Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My Happy Spending Day!

Hello everybody!

I had such a great day roaming the aisles of Joann Fabrics store yesterday, especially since I knew I was going to find some treasures that were on my must-have list.

As I have been told a million times by my dear husband, "you don't have to buy everything when you take on a new craft", I tried to remember this as I was alone and free to spend whatever I want without any eyes watching (no husband and no daughter)! Bless his heart for trying to keep me grounded. Haha.

So let's get to my goodies that I got. Oh, first I should say that yesterday was a "start the car moment" when I was able to use a "60% off" coupon TWICE, use a "40% off" coupon and also get "$30 off when you spend $75"! Wow, I have never saved like that before.

I won't keep you in suspense any longer! Let's get started.

1. Light Tracer

I recently came across a conversation that brightened my light bulb. I am a newbie in the hand embroidery world and was tracing a design onto my fabric and wondered if there was another way to get your design on your fabric without having to stare down with my eyes wide open whilst having my OttLite 2 inches from my eyes and my pattern that was torture. Thankfully, someone mentioned using a light box and that was the start of my hunt!  Happily, my hunt was short lived when my eyes sparkled and landed  on a LightTracer LED Light Box!

2. Olfa Rotating Rotary Mat

I have wanted one of these mats for sometime but could not justify spending (insert coughing) on a 12 x 12 mat, especially after owning about 6 different cutting mats. So today, when the opportunity arise of being able to use another 60% coupon, without hesitation that was what I headed for! Now there should be less getting up and twisting my body in yoga poses and awkward hand movements. Easy Peasy spin of the mat works like a dream!

3. DMC Embroidery Thread

Honestly, I was totally trying to make the process of picking colors be over in 1 minute! Usually I am all excited to match up fabrics and other color related crafts, but for the love of God.......why must there be a zillion different colors? In the end, I decided to gather up every color in 3's, which was much easier! Also, I picked up a Collector's Edition box of variegated floss and I was back on my merry go round of happiness again. Note: They were a part of the door buster sales 3 @.99

Forgot to mention the purchase of the storage container and accessories.

4. Bias Tape Maker

Have you ever made a bias tape before? How about trying to iron that sucker? That's the detrimental part for me. Imagine the pain of getting burned from the steam of your iron and having to continue the process of ironing to make a half inch bias tape which you urgently need to complete a swap partner's gift, which of course is due to be mailed out the next day! Whoaaaaa, never again. Now, that I know they come in various sizes, I've decided to start with the 1/2" width size and grow my collection as needed.

Update: I actually got 2 different sizes!

5. Jumbo Wonder Clips

I must be getting old, as I bought a pack a week ago and was also excited to get a pack today as well (my excuse: they were 40% off). Well, one can never have too many of these. They really live up to their name "Wonder Clips". I have only used these from the time I started sewing, which was about 3 years now and wonder how people made it without them (well I know there were pins) but they also would stick the crap out of you!

6. Aunt Martha's Stitch 'Em Up

Like I mentioned earlier, I am new to hand embroidery and thought what better way to try out different patterns on fabric that was made especially for the purpose of Hand stitching. I couldn't decide, so i bought kitchen towels, pillowcases, dinner napkins and flour sack towels (there goes my husband rolling his eyes as he reads this) xoxo!

All in all I'll say I had a great shopping President's Day Sale at Joann's.
Thanks for stopping by and
 I hope to see you again soon!


  1. Thanks for sharing all your cool stuff!! have you had a chance to try out that rotating cutting board yet?? I'm thinking about getting one, but wanted to know!!
    Love your blog!

    1. You're welcome Elizabeth! I love the rotating cutting board! It easy on the wrist as you just have to spin it in the direction of your cutting! :-) I'd say BUY IT!


I would love to hear from you! Please leave your comment below and have a "Super~Fantastic" Day.